Nolan Brewster is quitting football because of concussions

People are going to rip on you because this isn't "Gopher Related" but I want to thank you for posting this. I agree with you, it is sad to hear.

Man that's awful. I really hope football keeps getting more serious about concussions and their dangers. Hopefully this won't impact his life too severely down the road.

I liked one of the posts on that espn story "He didn't quit. He doesn't deserve to be linked to the word quit." I asked a few people at Mullen about him I didn't get much but nothing bad was said about him. I also thing they are worried about this years team too much to spend time on the past.


I have an idea about how to reduce concussions. I think one of the biggest reasons why concussions are on the rise is due to the fact that the speed of the game has progressed so much. How can the game be slowed down? Make natural grass mandatory where possible. The fake turf dramatically increases the game speed all by itself. (Another thing that's increased the game's velocity: the new equipment is so light and efficient...)


I have an idea about how to reduce concussions. I think one of the biggest reasons why concussions are on the rise is due to the fact that the speed of the game has progressed so much. How can the game be slowed down? Make natural grass mandatory where possible. The fake turf dramatically increases the game speed all by itself. (Another thing that's increased the game's velocity: the new equipment is so light and efficient...)

Are you insinuating that we let the grass grow extra long? Think O.J. Simpson.

An impressive and mature decision, I am guessing that Nolan might be interested in coaching and quitting now will allow him to get into that earlier.

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