Sad News: GopherHole Loses a Friend


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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It is with great sadness that we learned that longtime GopherHole friend and poster, Gopher4Life, recently passed away. A passionate man, Gopher4Life was a father of two, a die-hard Gopher sports fan, St. Louis Cardinal fan and a passionate supporter of the arts and education.

Gopher4Life has been a fixture in the GopherHole community for more than 10 years and he had more than 16,000 posts in this community. A passionate man for sure, Gopher4Life was never afraid to share his opinion on a wide variety of topics both on the basketball and off-topic forums.

While many of us knew him from afar, I think most of us are grateful that he shared time in his life with time in ours. In his obit, it talked about his passion for sports and in particular mentioned his love for the Gophers. True to form, he certainly was a Gopher 4 Life.

prayers to his family, sad news indeed. I had fun with him on a private message once, seemed like a guy that "got it"

Truly sad...

When I originally joined the GHole prior to the move from rivals in 2002-2003, he was a mainstay. I will always remember his keen sense of humor, honesty, and integrity.

Bleed, do you know if this was sudden? It appeared that he was not nearly as active the last 12 months or so, and had not responded to some messages.

Sorry to hear this news....

it makes sense that his posts were less frequent over the last year.

All I can say is, "We had our differences, but we had each other's respect."

God Bless Gopher4Life.

GH Admin...please sticky this thread. Thank you.

Consistent guy who knew his own flaws as well. My private conversations with him were always good. He was respectful in disagreement, and a generous man as well. He appreciated both sports and education and truly believed they could co-exist.

Hoist the glass to the raised floor next time we're in the Barn! I know he would enjoy it.

Well said Holy Man. Will mis G4L's contributions, for sure.

This is a reminder that despite some of our differences, one way or another we're all Gopher fans; that gets lost sometimes in our disagreements/spats.

sad day

So sad to hear this.. While I didn't agree with him on several issues.. I admired his passion and it was never a question in my mind that he was a devout Gopher fan. If his kids stumble across this thread, know you father will be missed here....

Consistent guy who knew his own flaws as well. My private conversations with him were always good. He was respectful in disagreement, and a generous man as well. He appreciated both sports and education and truly believed they could co-exist.

Hoist the glass to the raised floor next time we're in the Barn! I know he would enjoy it.

Couldn't agree more with this statement. G4L and I always joked around, but the bottom line was - he had a core set of strong values, was a huge advocate for education, and was a good man. Not only was he always a donor to GopherHole, but I believe he donated to many charities as well.

This is a very sad loss - and my heart goes out to all of his family and friends. If he touched us all from a far on a message board, I can only imagine the lives that he touched in his personal life. RIP.

I believe I began my posting career on Gopher Hole in rebuttal to G4Life's tough stance with Coach Monson. It was at a time when a lot of us still had faith in Monson's direction and he seemed to be the obstinate Eeyore on the GH, taking cracks at Monson any chance he could. I dropped a lot of words in those verbal exchanges with G4Life and in the end, had to concede he was right all along on Monson. I do recall he was never shy to remind us all of his prophecy on Monson :).

As others have already stated, he is sorely missed on this board and I feel a sadness that I didn't think possible for an anonymous (good natured) curmudgeon living in Oklahoma. A couple weeks ago I noticed we hadn't heard from him lately and I figured he had just taken a break from things on here for awhile. Behind that crusty, smart assed persona, I know was a man who would have been a fine companion for a few beers and good conversation.

First Ballot

G4L will be a shoo in for the Gopherhole Hall of Fame.

He really had no time for the raised floor at Williams.

Very sad news. G4L definitely will be remembered as a prolific, memorable, consistent poster who would never settle for mediocrity.

Does anyone know his real name? It would love to read his obituary to know more about somebody I feel like I knew but didn't.

I'll miss him!

G4L and I would celebrate the times that we actually agreed, and we came to a point of respect for each other.
I know that we also shared (see off topic post I hoped to discuss w/him) a love for Harmon Killebrew. I like to think he and Harm are having a good talk!

Very sad news. I had my share of disagreements with G4L as most did, but they were always on a respectful level. The one thing I really loved about Gopher4Life was that he had high expectations for the University of Minnesota. He wanted the Gopher teams to perform at an elite level and was not shy about sharing his disappointment when they did not. We need more fans like G4L who are not willing to give pats on the back for .500 ish seasons and "understanding" for well below .500 years.

I have to admit

he had one of the most impressive obituaries i have ever read. I had some idea but not like this. I respect the gopher hole privacy and wont give his name unless gopher hole deems it appropriate. Quite an impressive guy who i got to know on somewhat of a personal nature. He had a no nonsense demeanor which i appreciated and personally was quite an engaging guy.

I send my condolences to the G4L family. I will certainly miss his contributions to this board. RIP.

G4L saw the Monson fiasco for what it was, and I will admit there was a time I just did not want to believe it. I hated the thought of having to do the fire/hire sequence and he (Monson) had a great track record....right? Clearly not as bad as it seems....right? G4L would not let up and he was right. I thought he was pretty gracious afterward as well. The raised floor thing is a different story, but it made me chuckle. I'll raise a glass and give him a nod....Cheers G4, a rodent to the end.

Very sad news - condolences to his family. I did not always agree with him, nor him with me, but he stood up for me a few years back when most of the Hole was attacking me, and I will forever be grateful for that. Rest in peace - you'll be missed.

RIP 4Life.

My sincere condolences to his family and friends.

G4L was one aggravating sumbitch. And I will miss him. :)

With his desire to see the U succeed both in sports and as an educational institution he really lived up to his moniker here on the hole.

I believe I began my posting career on Gopher Hole in rebuttal to G4Life's tough stance with Coach Monson. It was at a time when a lot of us still had faith in Monson's direction and he seemed to be the obstinate Eeyore on the GH, taking cracks at Monson any chance he could. I dropped a lot of words in those verbal exchanges with G4Life and in the end, had to concede he was right all along on Monson. I do recall he was never shy to remind us all of his prophecy on Monson :).

As others have already stated, he is sorely missed on this board and I feel a sadness that I didn't think possible for an anonymous (good natured) curmudgeon living in Oklahoma. A couple weeks ago I noticed we hadn't heard from him lately and I figured he had just taken a break from things on here for awhile. Behind that crusty, smart assed persona, I know was a man who would have been a fine companion for a few beers and good conversation.

As usual, coolhand, you have summed up my thoughts perfectly.


I'll always think of G4L when looking at the raised floor at Williams arena. I already gave my thoughts on the OT board, so R.I.P. to a great Gopher fan.


I don't follow the board as much as I used to, but this absolutely stunned me. I wish I'd had the chance to meet him in person, as it sounds like there was some real depth to G4L the man. One of the pillars of this board, for sure.

Its also a reminder of how trivial these chat rooms really are in the grand scheme of things. Honestly, too much blood boils here, I think.

My condolences and best wishes to his family.

I liked the guy a lot. Dude seriously cared about what happened in the classroom.


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