NY Times: Working the Perimeter of the Recruiting Game

Sounds like Ware and his family could appreciate the class and ethical nature of one Tubby Smith at the University of Minnesota :clap:

But then, even coach Cal might be a step up from Mr. Caldwell and Central Florida (Or Bruce Pearl and the Vols.)

Andy Miller

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Andy Miller involved in some really hinky dealings with Kevin Garnett?

They are buying these kids somehow, and the guys at UCF can declare their innocence all they want; they are happy to take the kids and know exactly what they are doing.

By no means is my following statement a defense of UCF-they're rolling around in the dirt, no doubt-but would this story get any play if the program we're talking about comes from a major conference? Donnie Jones is a protege of Billy Donovan-does anyone else recall the mud slung Eddie Munster's way when he started reeling in big-time recruits when he first started out at Florida? Nothing stuck (I don't recall any investigative reporting) and now Donovan's a respected elder in the coaching ranks. College BB recruiting is rotten straight through to the core and seemingly everyone knows it-it's when some unknown program like UCF jumps out that attention really gets paid.

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