What kind of crowd can I expect at the Vollyball game?


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
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I'm taking my three year old daughter to the Volleyball game against Indiana on Sunday. She's very proud of her Goldy's Kids Club T-shirt. I've taken her to a few events, a spring volleyball game, a baseball game, the spring football game, the fall football scrimmage and a women's exhibition hockey game. None of these events were crowded, so she could move around a lot (it's hard to have a three year old sit still for a whole game)

I expect that this game will be more crowded than the spring volleyball game was. Will there still be room for a kid to move around?

One thing I like to do is to go to the Bell Museum of Natural History before games. It's on the intersection of Church Street and University, and is free on Sundays. It's only a short walk (about a block) from the arenas, and has a great kids play area, where the kids can pet the snakes and play with stuff like bones and antlers.

2000 - 3500 people. Plenty of room for a kid to move around. Plenty of chances to connect with Goldy.

If you have a FB ticket stub from the Homecoming game you can get in free on Sunday

Around 1/3 to a 1/2 full then. Much more than for the spring Volleyball game, but still enough room that she will be able to move around. At the spring Volleyball game and at the hockey game, she was following Goldy all over the place, may not be quite enough room for her to have that much Goldy time this time around. She doesn't quite understand the actual sport being played, but loves Goldy.

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